Moose Refinery is a rehabilitation center, nestled at the northeastern boundary of the Mundy Wildflower Garden within the Cornell Botanic Gardens, dedicated to the comprehensive care of sick and injured moose indigenous to New York State. Informed by the aggressive and territorial nature of moose, the design carefully balances, through its architecture, the interplay between concealing and revealing moose to visitors. Simultaneously, it aims to provide an educational and immersive experience for visitors, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for moose through carefully designed vieweing experiences.

Exterior Rendering: Southwest Edge | Software: Unreal Engine, Rhino 7, Photoshop

We designed two architectural forms, namely, the Medical and Public wings, that are hinged at their intersection. The former is submerged and acts as a physical barrier for the moose, while the latter, piercing through and cantilevering above, is strategically angled to optimize visibility into the moose land and create space for the moose bay: an intermediary space of holding and isolated rehabilitation for an injured moose before entering the moose land. Furthermore, we sculpted the landscape to create a water reservoir that flows underneath the Medical wing. The reservoir serves a dual purpose: it not only is the only water source for the moose, but it also strategically attracts them closer to enable clearer viewing from the Public wing.

Exterior Rendering: Rooftop Deck | Software: Unreal Engine, Rhino 7, Photoshop

Exterior Rendering: Northwest Edge | Software: Unreal Engine, Rhino 7, Photoshop

The treatment sequence for moose admitted to this facility is as follows: (i) loading, (ii) screening, (iii), surgery, (iv) post-surgery care, (v) temporary rehabilitation, under supervision by doctors, in the Moose Bay, and (vi) release into the Moose Land for full reintegration into wildlife through the designed pathway. The diagram below delineates this process.

Interior Rendering: Atrium | Software: Unreal Engine, Twinmotion Rhino 7, Photoshop

Interior Rendering: Surgery Room | Software: Unreal Engine, Twinmotion Rhino 7, Photoshop

The diagram below highlight the triple-height atrium, which serves as a focal point connecting the two wings of this facility, while seamlessly incorporating the moose treatment sequence, which was unwrapped on the previous page, placing it within the broader context of the interior spaces. The sectional perspective was completed collaboratively with David Perovsek and Jaewon Choi.
The diagram below reveals the intricate relationship between the two wings and their interior spaces while also alluding to various structural considerations. This diagram was completed collaboratively with David Perovsek and Jaewon Choi.

1/4” = 1’ - 0” scale plywood | This model was constructed in collaboration with David Perovsek and Jaewon Choi.

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